A crazy day

     It rains so strongly. Then grandmother and grandfather and I stay at home. I prepare the power soup material. Grandmother help me prepare the material.Soon I drink the power soup. Then it’s time at 11:00. I watch the ball game. At 12:10, I eat the breakfast and lunch togerher. I play the Wii games so I can let my body more powerful. This times, my brother come back home. He eat the lunch and take a nap. He study the cramschool work. I hope he can enter the Taipei Technology University. This afternoon, he should go to cram school. So he eat a little, he take a shower. When he just go to outdoor, it rain more and more strongly. The grond is fullof rainwater. So he should wade into the water. It’s too bad. It rains too strongly, it’s too crazy.

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