Celebrate Father’s DAY

     Today I don’t get up, but my father want me to drink the power soup. After I drink the power soup,I feel not very good. So I get up and and play the wii game such as Mario party. Although it can not athlete , it has a lot of fun. But at about 10:30,mom ask us to put on the cloths to grandma’s home. Then we go to grandma’s home. After we arrive grandma’s home, we watch the TV and chat about something. So it’s time to eat lunch.So we go to dining room. They prepare a lot of delicious food such as pizza,ice cream cakeand something else. And we celebrate the father’s day. I help my junior cousin install computer’s prevention virual software. Soon we have to leave. We go to the cloths shop. My brother and I buy a lot of cloths. Today is a happy day.

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